Adoption in Bulgaria

Central Authority

The Republic of Bulgaria is member of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

Acording to the Convention the central authority for international adoptions in Bulgaria is the Ministry of Justice of Bulgaria.

Stages of the procedure

The international adoption procedure has two main stages:

  1. Starting with the registration of the adoptive parent(s) into the Register of Foreign Adoptive Parents at the Ministry of Justice of Bulgaria and ending once the Minister of Justice gives consent for the adoption of the specific child.
  2. The adoption of this specific child of the adoptive parent(s) confirmed with the court decision.

Full adoption

Intercountry adoption of a child habitually resident in Bulgaria from adoptive parent(s) habitually resident abroad is only full adoption which creates a permanent parent-child relationship.

Requirements for intercountry adoption under the Hague Convention

An adoption within the scope of the Convention shall take place only if the competent authorities of the State of origin—

  1. have established that the child is adoptable;
  2. have determined, after possibilities for placement of the child within the State of origin have been given due consideration, that an intercountry adoption is in the child’s best interests;
  3. have ensured that
    1. the persons, institutions and authorities whose consent is necessary for adoption, have been counselled as may be necessary and duly informed of the effects of their consent, in particular whether or not an adoption will result in the termination of the legal relationship between the child and his or her family of origin,
    2. such persons, institutions and authorities have given their consent freely, in the required legal form, and expressed or evidenced in writing,
    3. the consents have not been induced by payment or compensation of any kind and have not been
      withdrawn, and
    4. the consent of the mother, where required, has been given only after the birth of the child; and
  4. have ensured, having regard to the age and degree of maturity of the child, that
    1. he or she has been counselled and duly informed of the effects of the adoption and of his or her consent to the adoption, where such consent is required,
    2. consideration has been given to the child’s wishes and opinions,
    3. the child’s consent to the adoption, where such consent is required, has been given freely, in the required legal form, and expressed or evidenced in writing, and
    4. such consent has not been induced by payment or compensation of any kind.

Requirements to the adoptive parent(s) under the Bulgarian Law

  • to be over 18-year old and to be legally efficient;
  • married couples are permitted to adopt together, while single people are permitted to adopt separately;
  • not to suffer from heavy chronic and contagious diseases endangering their lives;
  • not to have been deprived from their parenting rights;
  • not to have been convicted;
  • to meet the adoption requirements under the law of the country they permanently live in;
  • to be registerd in the Adoptive Parents Register of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Children eligible for adoption under the Bulgarian Law

  • Children of 1 to 18-years old who are registerd in the Adoptive Children Register of the Ministry of Justice
  • Children’s biological parents have been deprived from their parenting rights or have given their consent for the children’s full adoption.

Necessary documents

  • Court desiosion of the state of permanent residence of the adoptive parent(s) declaring them able to adopt a child habitually resident abroad.
  • Social rapport regarding the adoptive parent(s).
  • Document certifying that the adoptive parent(s) have not been deprived from the right to be parents.
  • Medical certificates, reflecting the physical and mental health, the lack of heavy chronic, contagious and sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis, etc., endangering their lives.
  • The adoptive parent(s) conviction clearances.
  • Certificate of marriage (if it concerns a couple).
  • The adoptive parent(s)`s certificates of birth and photocopy of their passports. The adoptive parent(s) have to specify their permanent address and address for correspondence.
  • Pawer of attorney for the lawyer of the Foundation.
  • Contract for mediation with Astra Foundation.
  • The adoptive parent(s)`s notary certified declaration, stating that they are informed by Astra Foundation of her activities, rigths and obligations, the procedure and the necessary documents as well as with the purpose and the effects of the adoption.
  • Either document, issued by competent authority and stating that the adoptive parent(s) permanent residence law does not admit re-adoption, or the adoptive parent(s) notary certified declaration, stating the child will not be submitted for adoption in case the law admits re-adoption.
  • The adoptive parent(s) notary certified declaration, stating the child will not be subject to experimental medical treatment and parts of child’s body will not be used for donoring.
  • Documents for paid state fees.

Contract for mediation

The adoption procedure can be started by the Ministry of Justice after the adoptive parent(s) have signed a contract for mediation with Astra Foundation and behalf of them through express pawer of attorney.


The adoptive parent(s) submit all required documents to the Ministry of Justice though the Astra Foundation after they conclude a contract with it.

The Ministry of Justice registers the adoptive parent(s) in a special Register of Foreign Adoptive Parents and then specifies them to be suitable to adopt a specific child entered in the Register of Children Eligible for Adoption.

The adoptive parent(s) are notified with basic information about the child specified by the Ministry of Justice. The adoptive parent(s) have to visit Bulgaria and to spend at least 5 days with the child. Within two months as of the above notification the adoptive parent(s) have to express their consent or lack of consent to continue the procedure for the child they have met. In case of expressed lack of consent the prospective the adoptive parent(s) remain entered in the register and wait to be specified to be suitable to adopt another child.

In case of expressed consent the procedure goes further. The Minister of Justices expresses consent for the adoption of the child of the adoptive parent(s) and all the documents are sent to the Sofia City Court.

The Sofia City Court considers the international adoption application within 14 days as of its filing and announces immediately the decision for the adoption.

After the Court decision is enforced the Astra Foundation takes care to supply the adoptive parent(s) with the following:

  • Official copy of the Court decision.
  • Certificate under art. 23 paragraph 1 of the Convention for Children Protection and Cooperation in the Field of International Adoption to confirm the adoption meets the requirements of this Convention.
  • New Certificate of Birth of the child.
  • Child’s passport and visa if necessary.

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